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Hypnose Douleurs Golfe de Saint Tropez - Corinne COPPOLA

pain and emotions ; The person with chronic pain life  an uncomfortable sensory and emotional experience ", Whatever the reasons or causes of the pains, they cause  over time of  unpleasant psychological reactions  : stress, anxiety, insomnia, nervous fatigue, sadness, incomprehension, demotivation see depression, etc. These emotions  promote the anchoring of pain that sets in without being really aware of it. You go from having pain to being pain 

Accompaniment   with a hypnotherapist will allow you to put words on physical ailments and thus find keys to promote psychological and physical comfort. The  relaxation will promote relaxation and the release of nervous and muscular tension "basic principle of hypnosis in the management of pain"  in addition to analgesic drugs and prescribed treatments – thus providing physical and above all moral well-being.

An ethical approach to the practice of hypnosis and respecting the care prescribed by doctors.

Hypnose Anti Douleurs Chroniques golfe de saint tropez var 83

Pain management through hypnosis
gulf of saint tropez var 83

Chronic Pain and Hypnosis: This One  helps the person to better manage and control the intensity of the pain as well as  the associated emotions . Hypnosis helps the person to restore a quality of life  daily acceptable but above all to develop through self-hypnosis new tools to better manage the frequencies and intensities of it. Thus through hypnosis and self-hypnosis, the person widens his field of vision and action in relation to pain and takes distance. The situation improves as the sessions progress. The number of sessions is countless and the follow-up is regular.

Chronic Pain Management​ By hypnosis

The accompaniment of pain through hypnosis awakens  the interest of health professionals in all branches Chronic pain centers are increasingly using this type of practice , hypnosis, because it provides considerable comfort for daily care and soothes the pain of the person .​

Hypnosis is a great help  for pain management, it gradually reduces the symptoms from session to session, thus avoiding  over medication.​

An ethical approach to hypnosis requires respectful behavior and strict dedicated care by doctors and in no way replaces prescribed treatment.

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Corinne COPPOLA Hypnothérapeute certifiée à Saint Tropez. Douleurs Chroniques ? Comment l'hypnose aide à vous soulager... Hypnose à distance Var 83 France

Hypnose Douleurs Golfe de Saint Tropez - Corinne COPPOLA

Thanks to hypnosis.

Process of a hypnosis session against pain

Hypnosis first step 1st session. This one  makes it possible to make a precise "diagnostic" anamnesis of the history of the pain as well as the personal parameters of the person and their feelings and emotions in the face of what they are experiencing. This step is essential because it allows  of  clearly define the priority expectations of the person and set a realistic axis of progress . You can decrease the symptoms of pain "frequency and intensity" see delve into the real psychological causes and remove some  brakes  but not a total disappearance of it. 

Some people hope to be cured!  and no longer have any pain after this support, it is then necessary to set the framework and limits of this approach.

hypnose douleur golfe saint tropez

Results by hypnosis and self-hypnosis 

The result is strongly linked to the degree of personal investment of the individual in this type of support. improvement in pain  "physical and psychological" takes time and it passes  by reframing the intensity of the pain, its frequency and  management of related emotions. Multi-factor support.

Between  each hypnosis session, the practitioner assesses the degree of change and adapts his next session. 

Hypnosis and self-hypnosis allow the person to regain serenity and better control of their pain , thus mobilizing  the achievements of the sessions and activates all its resources to regain greater autonomy.


Practicing self-hypnosis on a daily basis "at home or elsewhere" makes the person more  active in its care, thus it acts on its comfort of life

> Hypnosis can be learned by anyone and at any age, and  

about this practice,  person must be motivated on a daily basis to integrate and practice this hypnosis exercise  .

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